How to Link Folders in Obsidian

Obsidian is a popular note-taking app that helps you organize tasks and keep abreast of your schedule. It utilizes vaults and folders to function and store your notes locally on your phone or computer. You can connect your ideas and navigate through the system better with links.

How to Link Folders in Obsidian

However, links in Obsidian function are slightly different than in other note-taking apps, like Notion. This article will help you understand the benefits of using links in Obsidian and how to master their usage even before downloading the app.

How to Link Folders in Obsidian on Your Computer

While the concept of links in Obsidian might initially seem confusing, linking folders is relatively straightforward. You just need to have one vault with at least two folders inside.

Here’s how to link folders in Obsidian on your computer:

  1. Launch Obsidian on your PC.
  2. Enter the vault you want.
  3. Go to one of the folders you wish to link.
  4. Type “[[“.
  5. You’ll be presented with all the existing folders in the drop-down list, so pick one to link.
  6. Click anywhere else on the screen, and the brackets will turn into a clickable link.

And there you have it, a link that takes you to another folder. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see “Backlinks for [link name]” and be able to go to all the places where the link is mentioned. That includes the folder or note where you just came from.

The backlinks are organized as “Linked mentions” and “Unlinked mentions.” Unlinked mentions show the name of the link across your notes without the link, so even if you don’t create a link, you can go to the word that shares the name with the link.

How to Link Folders in Obsidian on Your Mobile

Linking folders on your mobile phone is relatively similar to how it’s done on your PC.

Here’s what you need to do to add another folder’s link in Obsidian on your mobile phone:

  1. Open the Obsidian app on your mobile.
  2. Go to the vault where the folders are located.
  3. Click on the “[]” above your keyboard or start typing “[[”.
  4. A list of available folders will appear below, so choose a folder to add a link.
  5. Tap anywhere else on the screen for the link to form.

Now, you can go to the link you created. Like using the app on your computer, you can view the backlinks by swiping to the left on the screen. Just tap “Backlinks,” and you’ll see linked and unlinked mentions.

Folders vs. Tags vs. Links in Obsidian

As mentioned, Obsidian uses vaults, folders, links, and tags to function. They’re all necessary, but finding the right balance between using each of them can be tricky.

Folders in Obsidian

Folders have long been the primary method of organizing information across multiple devices. Most note-taking apps use folders as the ultimate tool for storing your data. Even apps and programs that don’t deal with notes, such as design tools, use folders to keep the users’ information safe and organized.

Obsidian is no exception. Aside from vaults, it also uses folders to separate files intended for different aspects of the user’s life. Most Obsidian users create a single vault and rely entirely on folders. They’re great for concealing notes and keeping them in a designated place. In Obsidian, you can also sync folders, which is useful when sharing the folder with someone else.

But as you create more and more notes in Obsidian, you may realize that using folders can become more of a hassle than a solution. For example, what should you do when you create a note that can go in multiple folders? The answer is – you use Obsidian links and tags.

Links in Obsidian

The concept of links is pretty similar to how they function elsewhere. They connect ideas and make organizing much more effortless. The only difference is that Obsidian links are bidirectional instead of just leading you to your final destination. You can return to the previous folder or file with a backlink and see the words that carry the same name as the link, even when they’re not created as a link.

Links in Obsidian create a web, which you can quickly see in the graph view. The graph view shows how notes are connected using lines representing internal links. You can filter out what you want to show in the graph, see how they were formed chronologically with a time-lapse animation, and much more.

Tags in Obsidian

Thanks to other apps, most people are familiar with how tags work even before they delve into the world of Obsidian. Instead of focusing on the note with tags, you focus on the tag and its idea.

One note can have multiple tags or no tags. Like links, tags can also be nested to create a hierarchical structure and subcategories. For example, you can have a “#ToDo” tag and subcategories saying “#ToDo/Today” and “#ToDo/ThisWeek.”

Tags are useful for grouping notes in different folders. They’re also great for labeling a note. For example, if you have a note that needs to be created, you can put a “#to/create” tag. Still, it might be time-consuming to think of ways to label your notes. One downside of note – as tags accumulate, searching for a specific tag might become difficult, erasing the purpose of tags.


Is it better to use vaults or folders in Obsidian?

Vaults and folders work in a similar way in Obsidian. But most users find it easier to work in one or two vaults and create multiple folders within them. Just be careful not to go overboard with making too many folders and subfolders, as that can easily ruin the organization of your notes.

Should I use tags or links in Obsidian?

Both tags and links are handy in Obsidian. Which one you use depends on your preferences, but some scenarios call for one over the other. Just be sure to use both in moderation.

How many links can I use in a note in Obsidian?

You can create as many links as you want within a note in Obsidian. However, it’s easy to get lost when relying only on links in Obsidian. So, use your links strategically.

Organize Your Folders With Obsidian Links

Links are a powerful tool in Obsidian. With them, you won’t just know where the link is taking you, but you’ll also have access to all the places where the link is mentioned, including the original note. Combine the links with tags and folders in a balanced way to organize your notes so that you can always find what you need intuitively.

Have you already tried linking folders in Obsidian? Do you find using Obsidian easier on your phone or your PC? Tell us in the comments below.

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