How to Check if a Twitter Account Is a Bot

Even if you’re unsure about the definition of Twitter bots, you may have heard someone complaining about them. Bots are automated Twitter accounts pretending to be real people that like and tweet different content. They’re controlled by software.

How to Check if a Twitter Account Is a Bot

It’s difficult to say how many Twitter bots there are currently, but it’s estimated that 5%-20% of all Twitter profiles may be bots.

So, how can you be sure you don’t have bot followers? You can rely on a few telltale signs to recognize bots or use an excellent third-party tool to weed out the Twitter bots.

How to Recognize a Twitter Bot

You might wonder why Twitter bots are such a problem. While they mostly like, tweet, or retweet content, they’re designed to broadcast specific content. Indeed, bots can be helpful when it’s vital to events like pushing news about weather emergencies in real-time.

However, Twitter bots are primarily associated with the idea of sharing content for malicious purposes. They are widely used for audience manipulation, spamming, and spreading misinformation. Twitter bots may not cause enormous damage often, but it does happen with a lot of effort.

How can you recognize that a Twitter account is, in fact, a bot? One example is if a Twitter account doesn’t have many followers but follows many accounts and retweets content very fast.

The lack of a profile picture or a biography often means the account is spam. Also, tweets and retweets at specific times of day only and solely focusing on one type of content is another one of the signs.

Checking Twitter Bots With Circleboom

If you don’t have time to investigate every Twitter follower and their activity on the platform, Circleboom can help. This reliable Twitter management tool allows users to gain insight into their followers and friends and see how many accounts are fake.

Knowing you have Twitter bots following your accounts shouldn’t concern you. That’s pretty much how things work on Twitter. However, it doesn’t mean you have to accept the status quo. You can detect fake Twitter accounts with Circleboom and remove them promptly.

First, let’s see how to check your Twitter account for bots:

  1. Go to Circleboom Twitter management tool and sign in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the main menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select the “The Circle” option.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select the “Fake/Spam” option.

Circleboom will display a complete list of fake Twitter accounts on the dashboard within seconds. It will also tell you the exact number of fake accounts that follow you. If you want to check each profile separately, click the “Visit” button next to their username.

Their Twitter account will open, and you can see more details about the profile, including how many followers and friends they have and a full list of their tweets.

How to Remove Twitter Bots With Circleboom

You don’t have to delete the Twitter bots, but it’s the advised course of action. These bots might not actively harm your Twitter accounts now, but their presence on your profile is likely making you feel uneasy. Fortunately, you can delete all spam accounts in bulk using Circleboom.

Here are all the steps you need to take:

  1. Go to Circleboom Twitter management tool and sign in using your credentials.
  2. Move the cursor to the left side of the screen and open the main menu.
  3. Select the “Search” option followed by “All My Followers.”
  4. When a Circleboom filter tool appears on the dashboard, check the “Show Fake/Spam Accounts” option.
  5. When Circleboom lists all the fake accounts, check the “Select All” box above the list.
  6. Click the red “Remove Selected Followers” button.
  7. A new window will pop up, asking you to confirm your choice. Click the “Remove Followers” button at the bottom.

Circleboom will automatically remove all the Twitter accounts from the dashboard. However, Circleboom won’t remove the Twitter bots from your account in bulk, as that’s against Twitter user guidelines. Instead, it will queue the selected usernames and remove them one by one per Twitter rules.

Also, you can use the Circleboom filter tool to remove the “Eggheads” and spam. These accounts without profile pictures may also display bot-like behavior, and removing them from your followers’ list is best.

All you need to do is check the additional “Show Egghead (with no profile pic) Accounts” along the “Show Fake/Spam Accounts” box.

Another Option to Consider

You may not want to remove Twitter bots immediately but want to organize and track these accounts. That’s where Twitter Lists come in handy.

You can move all the fake or spam accounts into one Twitter List and periodically check their activity instead of seeing what they’re up to on your Twitter timeline.

It’s a pretty straightforward process, and here are the steps to follow:

  1. Launch the Circleboom Twitter management tool and log into your account.
  2. Select the “Search” followed by the “All My Followers” option.
  3. Check the “Show Fake/Spam Accounts” and “Show Egghead (with no profile pic) Accounts.”
  4. Select the accounts you want to put on a Twitter List, or select them all.
  5. Click the “Add to Twitter List” button.
  6. A new window will appear asking you to create a new List or add the Twitter accounts to an existing List.
  7. You can create a new list from Circleboom directly or go to your Twitter account and create it there.
  8. Click “Add selection to this list.”

If you want to check the bots, go to your Twitter account and choose “Lists” from the Home page.

Dealing With Twitter Bots Like a Pro

It might boggle the mind thinking about why Twitter bots are so prevalent, even if they sometimes have positive applications. Organizations, corporations, governments, and individuals pay for software that unleashes these accounts onto unassuming Twitter users with a specific goal.

These efforts are sometimes successful, but savvy Twitter users detect spam accounts more efficiently than ever. Still, to be on the safe side, it’s best to use a tool like Circleboom to detect and remove fake Twitter accounts.

How many bots do you think your Twitter account has? Let us know in the comments section below.

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