How to Embed a Twitter Video

Twitter is a worldwide popular social media and microblogging service. But its 280-character limit can be restrictive. Fortunately, Twitter users can get around the limitation and say a little more by including a video in their tweets.

How to Embed a Twitter Video

With all these exciting videos flying around Twitter, there is more opportunity to stumble across one you’d like to share on another platform.

Read on to learn how to embed a Twitter video on other platforms and apps from your desktop.

How to Embed a Twitter Video in PowerPoint

Presenting information in words, pictures, and videos can be more effective than text. You can use a video to make a PowerPoint presentation more dynamic.

Here’s how to download a Twitter video, then embed it in your PowerPoint presentation using your PC.

Download Twitter Video

  1. Find the video you want to insert.
  2. Copy the video’s URL.
  3. Go to the Twitter Video Downloader website.
  4. Paste the Twitter video URL into the text field, then click “Download.”
  5. Click on the “Download Video” button next to an MP4 option.

The video should save to your “Downloads” folder; otherwise, you may be prompted to choose another location.

Embed Video in PowerPoint

  1. Access the PowerPoint slide you wish to embed the video.
  2. Click on the slide where you want the video to be placed.
  3. Select “Video,” then “Video on My PC… .”
  4. Go to the folder on your PC with the Twitter video.
  5. Choose “Insert.”

How to Embed a Twitter Video in Google Slides

Embedding a video to your Google Slides presentation can enhance the content’s value and provide an excellent opportunity for the presenter to take a breather. Here’s how to download a Twitter video and embed it into your Google Slides presentation.

Download Twitter Video

  1. Access your Twitter account to find the video you want to insert.
  2. Copy the video’s URL.
  3. Navigate to the Twitter Video Downloader website.
  4. Paste the Twitter video URL into the large text field, then click “Download.”
  5. Click on the “Download Video” beside an MP4 option.
  6. Once the video has been downloaded, save it to your Google Drive account.

Embed Video in Google Slides

  1. Access your presentation and the slide where you want to add the video.
  2. Click where you want the video to go.
  3. Choose “Insert,” then “Video.”
  4. Select “Google Drive.”
  5. Choose the video, then “Select.”

How to Embed a Twitter Video on Facebook

You can post your favorite Twitter videos to share with your Facebook friends. Here’s how to download a Twitter video and then add it to a post on Facebook using your PC.

Download Twitter Video

  1. Find the video you wish to embed on Twitter.
  2. Copy the video’s URL.
  3. In a new browser, go to the Twitter Video Downloader website.
  4. Paste the Twitter video URL into the large text field, then click “Download.”
  5. Click on the “Download Video” beside an MP4 option.

The video should download to your “Downloads” folder, or you might be prompted to select another location.

Embed a Video on Facebook

  1. Sign in to your Facebook account.
  2. At the top of the Newsfeed screen, go to the “What’s on your mind,…” text box.
  3. Click “add a video,” then go to the saved Twitter video on your PC.
  4. Select the video and wait for it to upload.
  5. Add a caption, then hit “Post.”

How to Embed a Twitter Video on Instagram Story

A captivating Twitter video is ideal for sharing with your Instagram friends. Hopefully, they’ll get to view it before it disappears! Follow these steps to download a Twitter video, then share it on Instagram.

Download Twitter Video

  1. On Twitter, find the video you want to embed.
  2. Copy the URL.
  3. Go to the Twitter Video Downloader website.
  4. Paste the Twitter video URL into the field, then click “Download.”
  5. Click on the “Download Video” next to an MP4 option.

The video should download to your “Downloads” folder. Otherwise, you may be asked to choose the save location.

Embed Video on Instagram Story

Here’s how to share your Twitter video on Instagram.

  1. Go to the Instagram website, then sign into your account.
  2. Click the plus button on your Instagram feed screen.
  3. If you’ve saved the Twitter video to your desktop, drag and drop the video into the pop-up window. Otherwise, click the “Select from computer” button to find the video.
  4. At the top right of the pop-up window, click “Next.” You can then write a caption or use options from the advanced settings.
  5. When you’re satisfied, click “Share.”

How to Embed a Twitter Video in your Tweet

People on Twitter love to embed videos in their tweets as it’s great for sparking conversation. Here’s how to embed a Twitter video without retweeting it.

  1. Go to the Twitter website or open the app on your computer.
  2. Access the Twitter video you want to add.
  3. From the right corner underneath the video post, click on “Share.”
  4. From the share menu, choose “Copy link to Tweet.” This will copy the tweet link to your clipboard.
  5. Click on the “Tweet” button to compose a new tweet from the left panel.
  6. In the new tweet window, paste the video link previously copied.
  7. Edit the link by deleting the code from the question mark at the end of the link, e.g. “?s=21”
  8. Replace the deleted text with “/video/1”.
  9. Write your thoughts regarding the video or hit the “Tweet” button.
  10. The video should now be embedded in your timeline with the username of the person who originally posted the video.

How to Put a Twitter Video on Snapchat

Thanks to the Twitter and Snapchat integration, sending Twitter videos to Snapchat users is more straightforward than before. If you want to share a Twitter video link on Snapchat, here’s the best way.

  1. Go to the Twitter website or open the app on your computer.
  2. Find the Twitter video you wish to share, then click the “Share” icon.
  3. Choose “Snapchat” from the list, or if it isn’t available, click “Share via,” and you should see the “Snapchat” option there.
  4. Once you choose “Snapchat,” you’ll be taken to your Snapchat contacts list.
  5. Select the contact you want to share the Twitter video with, then click “Send.”
  6. This will send the Twitter video link to your contact. Once they tap on it, the video will open Twitter and go to the exact tweet of that video.


How do you embed a Tweet in HTML?

Follow these steps to embed a Tweet in HTML.

1. Go to the tweet you want to insert.

2. At the top-right of the tweet, click the downward arrow.

3. Select “Embed Tweet.”

4. Copy the displayed code, then paste it into the HTML editor.

Thrilling Twitter Videos Can Be Shared

As a Twitter user, you may often come across interesting and entertaining videos tweeted by others that you’d like to share on other platforms. Twitter allows you to copy and share a video link, or you can use an online Twitter video downloader to save the video before embedding it elsewhere.

What type of videos do you like to share with friends? Tell us about some exciting content you recently saw in the comments below.

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