A List of Stardew Valley Villagers & Characters

Stardew Valley has a memorable cast of characters with whom you can build relationships. While some are generic NPCs that fulfill a single purpose, others have more depth that’s unlocked after spending time with them. Some of them are even candidates for marriage.

A List of Stardew Valley Villagers & Characters

Below, you’ll learn more about the characters in the game, such as what to gift them or who makes the best spouse. Read on to find out all the details.

Stardew Valley Characters Ranked

It’s crucial to understand that characters like the Bouncer, Gil, and Birdie cannot receive gifts. Thus, you won’t be able to become friends with them. Because they’re designed this way, characters without hearts will be excluded from this list.

We won’t have enough time to explain all the characters in detail either, but here is a list you can consult. It’s based on character interactions, dialog, and how likable they are.

The list will rank everyone from worst to best.

Part 1

  1. Pierre
  2. Mayor Lewis
  3. Clint
  4. Demetrius
  5. Caroline
  6. Pam
  7. Haley
  8. Marnie
  9. Kent
  10. George

Part 2

  1. Vincent
  2. Jas
  3. George
  4. Sandy
  5. Rasmodius
  6. Willy
  7. The Dwarf
  8. Harvey
  9. Alex
  10. Robin

Part 3

  1. Maru
  2. Gus
  3. Robin
  4. Penny
  5. Jodi
  6. Sam
  7. Evelyn
  8. Krobus
  9. Shane
  10. Linus

Part 4

  1. Sebastian
  2. Abigail
  3. Elliott
  4. Leah

Of course, who’s likable or enjoyable as a character is entirely subjective, but there are some typical results among different tier lists and rankings. You don’t have to take this list seriously since your favorite characters don’t always match with others.

Stardew Valley Characters to Marry

As with the section above, who you want to marry depends entirely on your preferences and what characters you like.

This section will contain a list of excellent marriage candidates. Not all of them are available immediately, so you’ll have to play until the relevant section before some are available for marriage. We’ll also cover the marriage gifts in a different area.

There are twelve marriage candidates in Stardew Valley, six men and six women. Romance will only begin after reaching eight hearts with one of them.


Alex strikes many players as a jock, and it’s not difficult to see why. His one-dimensional character does break apart to reveal history with a loving mother and an abusive father. Alex lives with his grandparents, George and Evelyn, when the events of Stardew Valley start.

When you get to know Alex better, you’ll discover the jock personality is due to abuse. He suffers from self-doubt and these past experiences, but his coping mechanism is proving himself as a professional Gridball player.

Despite these traits, Alex isn’t above improving himself. He eventually becomes a better person.


The creative romantic Elliot wants to publish a great novel one day. Therefore, he displays lots of “romantic” behavior and enjoys a stiff drink. While he’s pretentious at times, Elliott is mostly just passionate.

While some players find his intense focus on writing a novel worrying, Elliott doesn’t come with much baggage. He sees the player as an inspiration too.


Harvey is Pelican Town’s doctor and an older bachelor. Despite this, he’s a sweet and gentle person with some awkwardness and lower confidence. Some players don’t like how he’s too clingy and over-concerned due to being a medical professional.

After marriage, Harvey recalls how he used to fear the player. However, he continues saying how far he’s come.


People who like outgoing personalities will love Sam’s energy. He works at JojaMart and will continue to work there after marriage. While he has a slightly immature streak, he knows when to step up to the situation.

At first, you might find him a bit insensitive, especially when hiding the fact he’s dating you from his mother. However, he becomes a family man after joining you in wedlock.


In terms of personality, Sebastian is somewhat Sam’s opposite. He smokes and stays inside, enjoying his motorcycles and computers. He’s also Maru’s sister and feels he can’t compare to her. Befriending him will let you crack his tough shell.

Sebastian’s heart events are some of the most unique ones, including a tabletop game and riding his bike. Not many other characters have such genuine events.


Of all the bachelors, Shane is considered the most challenging one. He has an alcohol addiction and is quite rude to players at first. You get to see his lowest moments, combining suicidal thoughts and depression. Even at the first heart event, he starts opening up to you.

Shane’s life turns around the better you get to know him, and eventually, he summons the desire to seek professional help. While he comes with some baggage, his character development is impressive.


Abigail is one of the most popular marriage candidates since she enjoys the outdoors and adventures. Not many girls are willing to fight monsters and explore the deep mines. Her bravado comes with immaturity and a tendency to hide her true feelings.

When you marry her, she shows off her caring side, even taking care of the children.


A sweet and loving lady, Emily is an easy pick for a spouse. She makes magic clothes for you and enjoys stable employment. Besides surviving a bear attack with you, there’s very little negativity when you get to know her.

Emily enjoys married life, and her conversation lines show this. There’s a reason she remains one of the most popular choices.


Haley is Emily’s sister, and the community only favors her slightly less than the latter. Initially, she appears selfish and superficial, but her character development arc is quite exciting. You get to see her become a kind person that slowly learns to enjoy life outside.

By the time you get married, Haley is one of the kindest characters in the game. An affectionate wife, you won’t regret choosing her.


It’s common knowledge that Leah isn’t the best spouse in Stardew Valley, but that doesn’t mean she’s a terrible person. Leah does have plenty of baggage and displays some paradoxical behavior. However, she does care for the player.


While Maru is a nurse, she also loves astronomy and robotics. She’s an intelligent person who shows interest early on, but some players find her interactions lacking depth. Maru’s father, Demetrius, has to be won over too.

Even so, Maru does provide some excellent marriage gifts.


While Penny is kind and selfless, she has some personal issues to work through. It will take some time to make her drop her guard, but she makes for one of the best spouses in the game. In the end, you’ll give her the life she wants and deserves.

Stardew Valley Characters Gifts

Here are the marriage gifts from all twelve characters above.


  • Survival Burger
  • Dish O’ The Sea
  • Fried Eel
  • Crispy Bass
  • Baked Fish
  • Omelet
  • Hashbrowns
  • Pancakes


  • Coffee
  • Baked Fish
  • Fried Calamari
  • Chowder
  • Fish Stew
  • Wine on New Year’s Eve


  • Complete Breakfast
  • Salmon Dinner
  • Crispy Bass
  • Fried Eel
  • Carp Surprise
  • Vegetable Medley


  • Cactus Fruit
  • Coconut
  • Earth Crystal
  • Geode
  • Pizza
  • Pancakes


  • Coffee
  • Obsidian
  • Void Essence
  • Bat Wing
  • Frozen Tear
  • Amethyst
  • Cave Carrot
  • Beer on New Year’s Eve


  • Beer
  • Large Egg
  • Pale Ale
  • Void Egg
  • Pepper Peppers
  • Omelet
  • Pizza


  • Parsnip Soup
  • Tom Kha Soup
  • Trout Soup
  • Chowder
  • Lobster Bisque
  • Cherry Bomb
  • Bomb
  • Fried Mushroom
  • Crab Cakes


  • Cloth
  • Wool
  • Duck Feather
  • Refined Quartz
  • Bean Hotpot
  • Rice Pudding
  • Blueberry Tart
  • Cookie
  • Chocolate Cake
  • Coffee
  • Omni Geode


  • Cookie
  • Blueberry Tart
  • Pancakes
  • Poppyseed Muffin
  • Maple Bar
  • Fried Egg
  • Omelet
  • Hashbrowns
  • Bread
  • Chowder
  • Eggplant Parmesan
  • Bean Hotpot
  • Parsnip Soup


  • Chanterelle
  • Common Mushroom
  • Red Mushroom
  • Morel
  • Coffee
  • Wild Horseradish
  • Daffodil
  • Leek
  • Dandelion
  • Cactus Fruit
  • Fiddlehead Fern
  • Spice Berry
  • Sweet Pea
  • Salad
  • Wine on New Year’s Eve


  • Warp Totem: Farm
  • Quality Fertilizer
  • Refined Quartz
  • Gate
  • Bomb
  • Rice Pudding
  • Blueberry Tart
  • Cookies
  • Chocolate Cake
  • Cherry Bomb
  • Bomb
  • Fried Mushroom
  • Crab Cakes


  • Large Milk
  • Egg
  • Mixed Seeds
  • Geode
  • Omelet
  • Hashbrowns
  • Pancakes
  • Salmon Dinner
  • Crispy Bass
  • Fried Eel
  • Carp Surprise
  • Vegetable Medley

Stardew Valley Character Locations

While each character has a primary location, they may be found elsewhere too.


  • House southeast of Pierre’s General Store


  • Cabin south of Pelican Town


  • Pelican Town Clinic


  • Southern part of Pelican Town at 1 Willow Lane


  • The Mountains north of Pelican Town


  • JojaMart


  • Pierre’s General Store


  • 2 Willow Lane in Pelican Town


  • Same as Emily


  • Her cottage south of Pelican Town


  • Same as Sebastian


  • Her trailer near Pelican Town

Who to Choose?

Depending on who you like, these characters can make great new friends. Some of them, the 12 we mentioned above, are marriage candidates. Regardless of your choice, you have many hours of content with all of them.

Who did you marry when playing Stardew Valley? Do you use any mods for the game? Let us know in the comments section below.

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