Starfield makes exploring the vast reaches and rugged terrains of the final frontier tons of fun. To simplify navigating cliffs and canyons, the game gives you the Boost Pack—a jetpack that can send you soaring skyward and also break your falls. Once you get it, you’ll never go back.

The possibilities of your Boost Pack may seem confusing when you first get it, but this article will show you how to master your jumps. Read on to learn about Boost Packs, how to use them, and their many types and abilities.
Using Your Boost Pack
You will acquire the first Boost Pack, the Constellation Pack, right after completing the quest “One Small Step.” That is unless you bought the Starfield Premium Edition, Premium Edition Upgrade, or Constellation Edition, in which case you’ll get it automatically early on in the game.
To replace your starting Oxygen Tank with your Boost Pack, you’ll need to have at least Rank One in the Boost Pack Training Skill. This skill is in the Tech skill tree and is unlocked from Level Two.
To equip your shiny new backpack, follow these steps:
- Open the menu via the Tab key (PC) or Menu button (Xbox). Click on the bottom-right quadrant of the menu to bring up the Inventory.
- Choose the Packs option, and choose your Constellation Pack. When you have more backpacks later in the game, you can cycle through them here.
- Your Boost Pack should now be equipped.
All Boost Packs are activated by pressing your jump button twice. You can shoot off at any time with a double tap of the Spacebar on your keyboard or the Y button on your controller.
The Boost Pack is very effective when navigating alien worlds. It allows you to close distances, scale terrain, and give you a much-needed edge in a fight. They’re also a great way to break an otherwise fatal fall, with a quick boost applied just before landing.
Your Boost Pack runs on fuel, a meter that limits your jumps and air time. It’s not an actual game resource and will recharge over time. If you run out of fuel mid-flight, however, you’re going down, and gravity hurts.
The Boost Pack Skill Tree

If you’re going to be using your Boost Pack a lot in your build, then it pays to invest your skill points in the Boost Pack Training skill. There are four ranks in all, each with their own benefit:
- Rank One: This will get you flying in the first place.
- Rank Two: Your Boost Pack will consume less fuel, making for more jumps.
- Rank Three: Boost Pack fuel will regenerate faster, meaning less ground time.
- Rank Four: All previous abilities are doubled. Well, except for Rank One.
As with all skills in Starfield, the Boost Pack Training skill requires a skill point to unlock the first rank, followed by completing various challenges to unlock the rest. You’ll be doing a lot of combat jumping to improve your Boost Pack ability:
- Boost ten times in combat (for Rank Two).
- Use boost in combat 25 times. (for Rank Three).
- Perform 50 combat boosts (for Rank Four).
You can check your progress towards these goals via a handy counter in the Boost skill in the Skills menu.
Know Your Boost Packs
Not all Boost Packs are created equal and not all do the same job. Starfield offers you four types of Boost Pack, each with its own stat range and abilities:
Basic Pack
The name says it all. These are the baseline level of Boost Pack. Their stats are modest and they offer the basics in jumps and fuel consumption. They have medium jump range and fuel consumption and are good when starting out. The Constellation Pack will start with one of these.
Balanced Pack
A solid, all-round Boost Pack. It’s stronger than the Basic Pack, enabling you to jump much higher and further. It also strikes a middle ground between performance and fuel consumption.
Power Pack
A favored Boost Pack of arial fighters and cliff jumpers, the Power Pack gives you high lift, but at the cost of high fuel consumption. You’ll only be good for a few jumps before having to refuel. This Boost Pack is a lot of fun in low-gravity environments, taking you soaring in an instant.
Skip Pack
What the Power Pack gives you in lift, the Skip Pack offers in momentum. This is an excellent Boost Pack for traversing vast terrains and remaining mobile in a fight. It also provides extra oxygen, allowing you to spend more time exploring worlds. Its fast fuel regeneration will allow you to keep hopping for quite a while.
Upgrading Your Boost Packs
Like most items in Starfield, you can easily upgrade the performance of your Boost Packs via a Workbench. To make the most out of your modifications, you’ll need materials and crafting skills. You’ll need to have at least Rank One in the Spacesuit Design skill to begin upgrading your Boost Packs. It’s located in the Science skill tree.
You may also need to make sure you have the right mods researched. Before upgrading your pack, head to a Research Laboratory, select Equipment, and make sure the right Pack Mods are fully researched. Once that’s done, find a good Spacesuit Workbench (The Lodge has one) and select the Boost Pack you wish to modify.
Each pack comes with four areas you can improve:
- Two modification slots. You can add things like extra carry capacity and oxygen supply.
- A Booster Pack slot. You can change your pack’s Booster type here.
- One skin slot. Change your pack’s appearance.
Boost Packs for Battle
If you’re having too much fun with your Boost Pack in combat, then the good news is you can enhance your abilities even further with the “Boost Assault Training” skill. This late-game skill becomes available in the Master level of the Tech skill tree. There are four ranks to achieve:
- Rank One: Damage nearby enemy units when you take off. You may even set some on fire.
- Rank Two: You have a chance to knock down nearby enemies on launch.
- Rank Three: Aiming while boosting will allow you to hover in place until your fuel runs out.
- Rank Four: Time slows down by 70% while you hover, allowing you to line up the perfect shot.
As always, you’ll unlock the last three ranks of this skill through challenges:
- Deal 200 damage to enemies using your Boost Pack launch (for Rank Two).
- Knockdown 20 enemies with boosts (for Rank Three).
- Do 500 damage to enemies with your Boost Pack (for Rank Four).
Up and Away!
The Boost Pack is a very fun feature of Starfield that will start to feel as natural as breathing after a while. With a quick double jump, you’ll be flanking your enemies and scaling stairs in no time. Be sure to experiment with the different pack types to find the one that suits your playstyle best. Why take one small step when you can make one giant leap?
What do you use your Boost Pack for the most? Which Boost Pack do you prefer, and why? Let us know in the comment section below.
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