Merging in Git doesn’t always play out the way you hoped. It can cause a host of issues that lead to code problems. Fortunately, you can simply reverse merges to undo them and the unwelcome changes they introduced.

Read on to discover everything you need to know on how to revert a merge in Git.
How to Revert a Merge Locally Using Git Revert
Git is a handy tool for software development, allowing developers to collaborate on a single source code simultaneously on different branches. Merging those individual branches doesn’t always work as planned, and that’s when the revert command comes in handy.
Here are the steps to revert a merge locally using git revert:
- Go to the branch in which the merge commit needs to be reversed.
- Type and execute the git log command with at least the –oneline parameter for visibility to view your commit history.
- Enter git revert followed by -m 1.
- Use the git push command to undo the merge commit locally.
Reverting a merge locally using git revert will create a new commit and undo the merge and subsequent changes but it does not remove the merge history. If you have already pushed the merge to the remote repository then you’ll have to use more drastic measures.
To revert a merge that has been pushed, follow Steps 1 to 3, and then substitute Step 4 with the following:
4. Enter git push –force to undo the merge commit on the remote repository.
In contrast to reversing a merge locally, undoing a merge that’s been pushed to the remote repository has the potential to permanently erase commits and their changes. Therefore, it’s critical that you create a backup branch before doing so.
How to Abort a Merge in Git
In contrast to the git revert option, the git merge abort option is used to abandon a merge that is currently in progress to reverse the merge and its changes. Aborting a merge will reset the directory you’re working in back to its pre-merge state, allowing the conflicts to be fixed before merging again.
Note that this only works if Git is reporting issues as a result of merging. If the merge is successful, you won’t be able to use the command.
This is how you abort a merge in Git:
- Go to the repository in which the merge is in process.
- Use git status to check the repository and locate the ongoing merge process.
- Type and execute the git merge –abort command.
- Hit Enter to abort the merge.
How to Reverse a Merge Using Git Hard Reset
The Git hard reset option is the most powerful way to undo a merge in Git. This command allows developers to reverse changes in the directory they’re working in by relocating the branch pointer to a different commit. The downside of this option is that it will discard all changes in the working directory and the staging area.
Follow the below steps to undo a merge using git hard reset:
- Navigate to the branch in which the merge commit needs to be reversed.
- Use git log with at least the –oneline parameter for visibility to view your commit history.
- Type in git reset –hard and a space.
- Enter the commit hash you want to revert.
- Press Enter to reverse the merge and its changes.
The git hard reset option is an extremely powerful weapon in your arsenal to reset the current branch to a specific commit. However, due to its far-reaching consequences, it should be used with caution to avoid data loss. Although it’s useful when you want to completely erase a commit and its associated changes in the directory.
How to Reverse a Merge Using Git Soft Reset
The soft reset function in Git resets the branch pointer in the same way as the hard reset function. However, it doesn’t remove changes in the directory. Therefore, it’s handy when you want to undo the merge but hold onto the changes in the working directory for later modification.
This is how you do it:
- Go to the branch in which the merge commit needs to be reversed.
- Enter git log with at least the –oneline parameter for visibility to view your commit history.
- Enter the git reset –soft <commit-hash> command. Swap <commit-hash> with the commit hash you want to revert.
- Hit Enter to undo the merge using a soft reset.
Why Would You Need to Revert a Merge in Git
The revert merge feature is one of the go-to corrective tool in Git. It helps you reverse any mistakes or unintended problems created during merging. It can fix a lot of issues that come from trying to align multiple pieces of code created by different developers.
Integration problems
When branches are merged, it can often lead to unforeseen integration conflicts that are a risk to the source code. Therefore, reverting the merge is a safe way to remove the changes that are responsible for the integration issues. This will keep the integrity of the source code intact and give you time to correct the mistake before merging again.
In addition to integration issues, merging can also introduce bugs. When merging in Git, you’re essentially piecing together changes that were made often completely independently. If comprehensive testing has not been completed for changes in all merged branches, some bugs may have made their way into the code. Therefore, reverting the merges will let you return to a stable state that will give you time to identify and rectify the origin of the bugs.
This is one of the most common causes for using the merge revert feature because no one is immune from making mistakes. In Git, even small errors, such as accidentally merging to the incorrect head, can lead to problems. Fortunately, mistakes can be quickly reversed by utilizing the Git merge revert feature.
Coding needs to be precise to function as intended. Therefore, if merged branches bring in code below the expected standard, then reverting the merge will remove the subpar code. This will allow you to keep the code quality at the expected level and ensure it doesn’t breach any coding protocols.
Git is the ultimate collaborative tool when it comes to a team of developers working on a project. It opens the door to a world of collaboration that allows any number of people to work together coherently on software development. Merging is an essential feature because if team members can’t connect their branches, they simply won’t be able to integrate the work they’ve done. However, given that the work was conducted independently, merging doesn’t always go as hoped, and reverting the merge provides the ideal solution.
Revert Merge Helps Make Perfect Code
Coding is precise and complex, and even the slightest mistake can cascade into a huge problem when branches are merged, resulting in dysfunctional code. The Git revert merge feature is the perfect mechanism for uncoupling branches that contain errors, bugs, and the like.
Did reverting a merge in Git go as planned, and do you have any other hacks on how to revert a merge without affecting the source code? Let us know in the comments section below.
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