If you’ve wanted your voice to be heard on Twitter, there is a literal way to do it. Twitter has introduced an audio message feature that allows you to make your tweets talk. If you’re unsure how to tweet an audio message, you’ve come to the right place. Follow along to find out how to record and play tweets and alternative ways to tweet audio messages.

Voice Tweets
You’re going to love voice tweets if you’re not particularly fond of the 280-character limit or you just want to share your thoughts on the go.
How to Record a Voice Tweet
Note that this feature is currently only available on Twitter for the iOS app. Here’s how to record a voice tweet:
- Click the “Tweet compose” icon in the bottom right from the Twitter app.
- Tap the “Voice” button.
- If prompted, permit Twitter to use the microphone.
- Tap the purple recording button to start recording your message.
- When you’re finished, tap “Done.”
- Optionally, add text to the tweet.
- Hit “Tweet” to send.
Your voice tweet will be published as a tweet with an audio attachment. Your current profile photo will serve as a thumbnail for the tweet. Note that the photo will be added as a static image, so it won’t change even if you change your profile photo later.
You can record up to two minutes and 20 seconds per tweet for voice tweets. If your message is longer than that, Twitter will automatically split it into a thread. There can be 25 threaded tweets maximum.
It’s also worth noting that you can’t send a voice tweet as a quote tweet or a reply to an existing tweet or thread.
How to Play a Voice Tweet
You can use your mobile app and the Twitter website when you want to hear what others have to say. The playback is pretty simple:
- Navigate to the voice tweet.
- Tap the thumbnail to start and stop the playback.
If there are several voice tweets in a thread, they will automatically advance after you play the first one.
Playing a voice tweet on iOS will automatically minimize in an audio dock at the bottom of your screen. The audio will keep playing even if you leave the app or continue scrolling on your home page.
How to See Captions of Voice Tweets
To improve accessibility, Twitter has added automated captions to the voice tweets. This feature is limited to supported languages, and it uses your device’s language settings for the transcription. If captions are available for the tweet you’re interested in, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the voice tweet.
- Tap the “CC” icon at the top-right corner of the voice tweet player.
A transcript of the voice tweet will automatically appear. It’ll overlay the voice tweet thumbnail.
Twitter Spaces
Voice tweets are currently only available for iPhone users. No iPhone? No problem. There is still a way to voice your opinion on Twitter even if you’re using Android. If you’d like to learn more about it, click here to learn about Twitter Spaces.
Other Ways to Tweet Audio Messages
If Twitter’s built-in audio features don’t meet your needs, you can use third-party apps to share audio messages with Twitter.
Headliner App
At its core, the Headliner app is a tool to promote podcasts by sharing snippets of audio and matching it with fitting graphics. It allows you to post voice recordings, and it’s easy to use:
- Download and Install the app from the App Store or Play Store.
- In the app, select “Audiogram maker.”
- Under the “Upload” tab, tap “Choose a file”.
- Click the file to enter the editor.
- Choose the segment of the audio you want to post.
- Click “Next.”
- Select an aspect ratio for the image.
- Set an image, then tap “Create Video.”
- Hit “Share Video.”
You can now embed the audio in a new tweet or download the MP3 and post it manually.
Audioboom App
The Audioboom app preceded Twitter’s native audio tools and was created with the sole intention of providing an audio tweeting option. The app was formerly known as Audioboom, making the uploads “boos.” Nowadays, the app has shifted gears towards podcasting.
Audioboom provides great embedding options making it easy to share audio tweets quickly. However, this does come at a cost.
Using Audioboom is relatively easy. Simply sign up, record your audio and upload it. After you’re done, you can add a description and an image to the recording. The audio message will be automatically posted if you’ve linked your Twitter account.
If you have your sights set on professional podcasting and see audio tweets as a useful tool, then the Transistor app is for you. With the ever-growing popularity of podcasts, the app itself is increasingly more in demand.
The app comes at a heftier price point, ranging from $19 to $99 per month. If this doesn’t deter you, follow these steps to share an audio message to Twitter:
- Hit the “New Episode” button.
- Put in the name, publishing date, and optionally artwork.
- Add the audio file.
- Fill in the rest of the required fields as prompted.
- Click “Save New Episode.”
- Follow the on-screen instructions to publish the episode to Transistor.
- Use the “Share” button to embed it in a tweet.
Additional FAQs
Will voice tweets be available on Twitter for Android?
In the initial announcement of voice tweets, Twitter did not mention Android support. It’s common for a company to focus on one operating system when introducing a new feature. This way, they can test it thoroughly and receive feedback from the users.
It’s unclear when Android users will be able to use voice tweets. However, there is no reason to suggest this option won’t become available on Twitter for Android in the future.
Can I upload other people’s audio to Twitter?
The audio that you share on Twitter should be your own. You can’t share the material if you don’t own the copyright. Copyrighted MP3 files will be removed from your Twitter account. In case of multiple copyright infringements, your account might get suspended.
Tweet ’N’ Go
Voice messages are taking over all the apps as you can send them out whenever, even on the move. Twitter audio messages also provide a more personal touch as many nuances can’t be expressed in 280 characters. Whether you’re happy with Twitter’s voice tweets and Spaces or leaning more towards a third-party app, you’re now ready to sound off on Twitter.
Have you ever tweeted an audio message? Which method did you use? Let us know in the comments section below.
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